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Social Media. Analysing your investment was the tittle of the talk given by Jesse Ringham (Director of Digital at Sutton London) at Talking Galleries, an international meeting of world galleries hold at the MACBA Museum in Barcelona on January 16th and 17th 2017. I have taken some short notes of what he has said:



  • Social Media are no longer Social Media but platforms. That’s why they are introducing so many new options, like Facebook’s Live Stream.
  • Art Galleries campaigns should include:
    1/3 of contents about what they do, their own contents
    1/3 of contents about what is going on in the world of art. Becoming an authority on Art.
    1/3 of emotion, which is the strongest bit of Social Media
  • Do inject humour in your campaigns
  • Find the story. Find the link with your community. Everyone has an story to tell!
    What is Story Telling? = Finding something very engaging, working out the type of content and the tone for a particular type of audience
  • Social Media is about Conversation
  • Social Media moves very fast. Keep on trying different basic content. Preplanning is essential.
  • Everything starts at Google (SEO)
  • Then, focus on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr and Snapchat. Each of them has an specific audience
  • Keep an eye in Snapchat
  • Instagram is going to Focus on AdSales
  • You should answer twits during the first hour
  • Digital advertising is becoming expensive. But, with Facebook you only reach 3% of your audience unless you pay!
  • Paid communication (when you need to pay to communicate something) versus earned Reputation (“free”, thanks to your previous work)
  • And last but not least: You have to have a passionate connection with your work to do a good job!