‘Media Economics’

by | abr. 2, 2016

Un interessant programa de ràdio que parla de la concentració de capaçaleres de diaris a Califòrnia a la cerca d’un model de negoci que contribueixi a la pervivència dels mitjans escrits publicats en paper: “The Bay Area News Group (BANG) announced Tuesday that it will consolidate six daily newspapers throughout the Bay Area into two publications: The East Bay Times and The Mercury News. As part of this restructuring, BANG is cutting nearly 20 percent of newsroom staff and closing several regional dailies, including the nearly 150-year-old Oakland Tribune. Three new weekly newspapers will be added to serve Oakland, Hayward and Fremont. Today on Forum we discuss the history of one of the Bay Area’s oldest newspapers and whether the shift to regional papers will compromise local reporting”.

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