by Guillem Carbonell | des. 13, 2017 | Coaching, Web in English
I am a good example of what UC Berkeley Professor Matthew Walker explains in this interview at KQED Radio: we westerns are reducing the hours that we devote to sleeping. In general we need 8 hours but we are reducing it drammatically due to several factors, one of...
by Guillem Carbonell | gen. 17, 2017 | Marketing Digital, Web in English
Social Media. Analysing your investment was the tittle of the talk given by Jesse Ringham (Director of Digital at Sutton London) at Talking Galleries, an international meeting of world galleries hold at the MACBA Museum in Barcelona on January 16th and 17th...
by Guillem Carbonell | gen. 7, 2017 | Coaching, Web en català, Web en español, Web in English
I have read an interesting interview to Laurence Freeman, who teaches at the Meditation and Leadrship Master at Georgetown University. He talks about Mindfulness, how to aplly it in day-to-day life and how to link it to ancient Christian meditation practices and to...
by Guillem Carbonell | des. 30, 2016 | Coaching, Web in English
Very interesting program on Forum KQED, on how to apply design principles to planning your life: Stanford lecturers Bill Burnett and Dave Evans teach the university’s most popular class, “Designing Your Life.” The course shows students how to apply the principals of...
by Guillem Carbonell | jul. 24, 2016 | Marketing Digital, Mèdia, Web in English
Somedays ago I heard this very interesting interview to former Facebook product manager Antonio Garcia Martinez, who has written a memoir, his book “Chaos Monkeys”, about his years at Silicon Valley. With the following dedication: “To all my enemies: I could not...
by Guillem Carbonell | maig 22, 2016 | Marketing Digital, Mèdia, Web in English
Somedays ago I was at Waterstones Bookstore in London and I saw the book “Ted Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking”. Back in Barcelona I heard this Mickael Kresny’s interview to Chris Anderson, TED’s curator and author of the book. looking...
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